Learning English as a second language can be tough, especially when it comes to correct pronunciation. Fortunately, there some easy and fun exercises you can incorporate into your everyday practice to improve your pronunciation in no time!

Here are five of our favorite ESL pronunciation exercises to help get you started.

1. Talk With A Fluent English Speaker

One of the best ways to practice any language-based skill is by conversing with someone native in that language. And English is certainly no different.

As you go about your day, make an effort to strike up more conversations with those around you who speak English fluently.

Ask them questions and focus on how they speak. For instance, you’ll want to look for what syllables they stress, as well as the way certain accents change the pronunciation.

2. Focus On Minimal Pairs

Most ESL students struggle with understanding minimal pairs. And, in truth, there’s a very good reason they’re confused. English is a remarkably complex language, after all.

If you’re unfamiliar with the idea of minimal pairs, the concept is best described as a pair of words with one phonemic difference.

For instance, take the words flank and plank, for instance. The ‘f’ sound in flank is much different than the ‘pl’ sound in plank.

A good way to practice differentiating minimal pairs is by playing a game called Odd One Out. In this game, players look at a group of words and determine which word is, as you can guess, the odd one out.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you have the words, greet, seat, and sit. In this case, sit would be the odd one out.

In truth, minimal pairs are incredibly complex. So don’t be frustrated if you struggle at first.

3. Check Out A Pronunciation Podcast

If you have a long commute or like to listen to music at work, a pronunciation podcast could be a great tool to help you master your English.

These podcasts are designed to help listeners understand the core concepts of the English language and often contain a few fun ESL exercises, as well.

Check out Player.FM’s list of the best pronunciation podcasts to find one you like.

4. Record Your Voice

Hearing a recording of your own voice can make you more aware of common pronunciation mistakes you may be making. For a few minutes each day, use a voice recorder or your smartphone and talk for around 90 seconds to two minutes.

Then, play back the audio and focus on your speech patterns and pronunciation. Finally, make a note of what you need to work on and keep practicing.

5. Practice Tongue Twisters

If you’re unfamiliar with tongue twisters, you’re in for a treat! These fun, catchy little phrases can make for super fun ESL games.

A few common examples include:

  • She sells seashells by the seashore.
  • Red leather, yellow leather.
  • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  • Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?

They’re silly, but you’d be surprised at how much of a difference they can make. Start off by slowly pronouncing each phrase, then build up speed.

It can be frustrating to find helpful pronunciation exercises! Here are just 5!

It can be frustrating to find helpful pronunciation exercises! Here are just 5!

These ESL Pronunciation Exercises Are As Fun As They Are Helpful

We hope you find that these ESL pronunciation exercises help make your speech clear. Remember, learning English takes time. Be patient with yourself, and don’t give up, even when you’re feeling frustrated.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to improve your speech, contact us today, or sign up for your free 7-day trial to Pronunciation Pro!