Read this article to learn how to prepare for the PTE exam by pronouncing words that can be extremely difficult.

Read this article to learn how to prepare for the PTE exam by pronouncing words that can be extremely difficult.

So, you’ve made it through thoroughly learning the tough English language? Congratulations!

You aren’t alone. PTE test volumes grew by 67% in 2017. That means there’s a lot of help out there to help you practice. With practice, you’ll improve your accent and stand a better chance of passing the PTE.

Here are 7 ways to get better at pronouncing words in English for the PTE.

Practice on Minimal Pairs

Minimal pairs are words which only have one phonological difference. That makes them a great way to fine-tune your pronunciation so you sound like a native speaker. By practicing minimal pairs, you can separate “pat” and “bat” or “bin” and “bean”.

Watch Your Mouth Move

The human brain is amazing at tying language to our muscle memory, but that system isn’t so helpful when learning a second language.

Watching your mouth move during your English pronunciation practice can show you where your brain is taking over. Then you can correct the mistakes your mouth makes when it hits difficult words.

Binge TV and Movies

When you’re wondering how to improve pronunciation skills for the PTE, watching TV and movies isn’t the obvious way to go. But watching how the native speakers do it is one of the best ways to ensure your pronunciation sounds natural.

When you’ve already revised as much as you can, then watching TV and movies is a fantastic way to relax while still practicing what you know.

Flip The Situation

Have you ever paid close attention to what English speakers sound like when they attempt to speak your language?

You may notice they emphasize certain sounds and miss out others. These provide good clues for what you might need to do to improve your pronunciation and minimize your own accent.

Get Stressed (In a Good Way)

Syllabic stress forms a major part of English pronunciation — more than native speakers ever realize. That’s because putting the stress on the right syllable comes easily to native speakers.

If you want to nail down the difference between “photograph” and “photographer” (among many others), you need to focus on stresses.

Record Yourself

Listening to your own voice isn’t always a pleasant experience, but it is a great way to improve your pronunciation.

Recording yourself will show you that what you think you’re saying and what you’re actually saying can be quite different. You may pick up on common mistakes you would never have noticed otherwise.

Make Friends

Having a native speaker around makes for fantastic English pronunciation practice. After all, they’ve been doing it for a long time.

Native speakers aren’t always technical experts. But they can help you develop a natural speaking voice in English. They’ll also point out mistakes you’re making, which may include subtle but common errors.

If you don’t know any native English speakers in real life, try searching for them online.

Get Better at Pronouncing Words in English

These 7 tips should help you get better at pronouncing words in English for your PTE. Practice as often as you can and you’re sure to ace it.

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