New perspectives, and different skills are just a few of the reasons why immigration is important in America.

New perspectives, and different skills are just a few of the reasons why immigration is important in America.

Why is immigration important in the United States of America? What good comes to our nation when we allow more immigrants to become Americans?

Well, quite a lot actually. In fact, without immigrants, America, as we know it today, would not exist.

A Forgetful Nation

America is a nation of immigrants. Our nation begins it’s narrative with Christopher Columbus “discovering” the new world. The irony begins with the realization that the new world didn’t require “discovery” and was already well-inhabited.

This story adds a further paradox when we consider the current immigration debate. Could a country founded by immigrants, turn its back on modern immigrants?

We hold our nation’s founders in such high esteem for their noble intentions. Our first European immigrants are regarded as brave for leaving there home behind in search of a better place.

They wanted a better place for their families. They wanted a place where they could live free from religious oppression. They wanted a place where a hard days work meant that they could live a life they were proud of.

And yet, here we are. America denies it’s own heritage when it negates the importance of immigration.

Why Is Immigration Important in the United States of America?

So, how are immigrants treated today? Why do we need immigration laws? Especially those that restrict immigration so difficult?

There are many reasons why it is important to reexamine the current state of affairs. Namely, because these restrictions discourage immigrants who can contribute so much to our nation.

Job Contribution

Immigrants are more likely than native-born Americans to start their own businesses.

18% of small businesses are curated or run by immigrants.

More businesses mean more jobs and more opportunities for native-born people and immigrants alike. These businesses contribute to our national economy by stimulating consumer confidence and paying taxes.

The Value of People

More immigrants are good for native-born American workers. American workers with a high-school diploma or better are shown to see a pay increase when more immigrants are introduced to the workforce.

Highly-skilled immigrants are incredibly important too. We owe much of our nation’s innovation and tech-based industries to technologies developed and bolstered by highly-skilled immigrants.

Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans. They are also less likely to take their citizenship for granted than the average native-born American.

Immigrants know what life is like outside of the United States. Making the choice to leave their home to come a new country is no small decision. The immigration process is difficult if not impossible for most who wish to become US citizens.

In addition, many immigrants who immigrate from non-English speaking nations find themselves faced with learning a new language in order to start their new life.

Why Immigration is Important Today

Answering the question, “Why is immigration important?” is easy. Individuals who immigrate to the United States of America introduce a broader perspective, new skills, and greater tax revenues for our nation. Immigrants work hard to make our nation better and stronger.

Immigrants are here because they want a chance at the American Dream. They come here with the same hopes and dreams that lead our nation’s founders to create our country.

It is with the same greatness that immigrants move our country forward. For more great articles and tips on how to strengthen your English skills visit our blog.

Together we can help to make your American dream a reality.