For Indians who want to make the transition into American life, adjusting how you communicate with others can be of great importance. Pronunciation is of the upmost importance to Westerners. In order to successfully communicate with natives to the United States, Indian speakers must learn to focus on proper English pronunciation in order to be understood and not judged solely on having a “thick accent.” By working to improve your American English pronunciation, you can better communicate with Westerners and feel more confident in your speech.

The native Indian accent when spoken in English provides one of the main hurdles Indians have when communicating with the Western world. The issue isn’t a lack of English speaking knowledge, but rather how Indian’s speak English with an Indian accent. To many Americans, the Indian accent is considered “thick” and hard to understand, causing an inability for Indians to communicate effectively with native English speaking individuals. Since how we speak is heavily influenced by our mother tongue, the rules of speech Indians pick up in their native country don’t transfer well when speaking English.

Learning how to speak with a proper American English pronunciation is part of the journey of learning to become apart of a new culture and learning how to adapt when living abroad. To successfully communicate with English-speaking Americans, it’s important to work on your English pronunciation. The process, called accent softening, allows you to speak English more like an American. While it might seem like a far-fetched idea, Indians can lose their native tongue accent when speaking in English, but it does take time to learn.

The best way to learn proper English pronunciation is by working with an English speaking American so you can hear exactly how words are pronounced correctly. Pronunciation Pro offers online ASHA certified Speech Pathologists, that are trained to work with native Indian speakers as they transition into learning American English correctly. Available online, at any hour of the day, Indian speakers can dedicate time to learning proper American English pronunciation through worksheets, listening to mp3 files, and completing assignments.

If you’re ready to take the next step in learning how to speak English like an American, you can sign up now and begin for free. With no risks, and so much to gain, now is the perfect time to start!