With yesterday’s historic passing of the Comprehensive Immigration Bill in the US Senate, the final hurdle for this important bill will be for it to pass in the Congress. But with the hopeful looming success of this important bill, many un

documented immigrants and their proponents are ready to begin paving the way to creating more opportunities for non-native residents of the US.

With that in mind, now is the time for immigrants to begin to take advantage of educational and supplemental programs that will allow them to advance at the same pace as their native-born counterparts. It’s a simple fact: people come to the US to seek out opportunities that are not available in their home countries, but much of that falls out of place when people arrive to the US with skill sets that won’t add up to much without

the ability to speak English clearly and confidently.

For those who don’t know, foreign-born people make up enormous portions of the workforce, and represent a staggering number of small to medium-sized business owners. The ability of these people to advance incredibly is now within arm’s reach with the Immigration Reform Bill now headed toward Congress. Once it has passed into law, the last puzzle piece for many immigrants will be improving English speaking skills and perfecting their pronunciation in English.

It may finally be as true for immigrants as it is for native-born Americans that the only thing that can hold us back is self-limitation. With the removal of legal barriers and a fair path to citizenship in place, learning how to speak English like an American will make moving up the career ladder easier, and keep foreign-born workers from being silenced.

When one can speak English clearly, make presentations in English without stumbling, and stop worrying about what others may be thinking about a foreign accent during a conference or important event, excelling is not just simpler, but opportunities become part of reality, not part of a dream.

We are inspired everyday by our online accent reduction students, and are thankful and humbled to be able to help some of the best and brightest people come that much closer to achieving their goals. Thank you to all Pronunciation Pro students past, present, and future!